YUL 0936 2

CW Celebrates: Earth Day Activities

Creative world school Apr 20, 2019

This Monday, April 22, marks the 49th Earth Day! Each year, almost 200 countries and over 1 billion people observe and promote Earth Day, which is the largest civic movement in the world! The support of the movement has led to many environmental conservancy and preservation acts.

We are gearing up for the big day with some fantastic eco-active fun for children.

Sweepin Relays

Supplies: brooms, rounds objects in different sizes

This game is perfect for two or more kids. Gather round objects from around the house and provide each team with a broom. Mark a start line and then a “goal line” 25-30 feet from the start line. On “GO” the first player will pick up the broom and select a round object and sweep it to the goal line. Once their object has passed the goal line, they will return to the start line to pass off the broom to the next player. First team to sweep all the objects across the goal line, wins!

Plantable Post Cards

Supplies: 1” squares of paper scraps (about 1-½ cups) , bowl of warm water, masking tape, window screen, blender, baking pan, packet of wildflower seeds, scrap towels markers

Prep the night before: In a large bowl, add warm water and paper scraps and leave to soak overnight. Take the piece of window screen and fold masking tape over the wire edges.

The next day, pour the soaked paper scraps into the blender then fill it halfway with fresh water. Blend the mixture until thick and creamy. Place the piece of window screen in the bottom of the baking pan then add water until the pan is ¾ full. Pour the pulp mixture into the pan and then sprinkle the wildflower seeds over the pulp. Lay out the towel on a flat surface next to the pan. Lift the screen gently so that pulp and seeds are caught over it and place it over the towel. Once the pulp has completely dried, peel the paper off the screen. You can cut the paper into smaller postcard-sized pieces and encourage your children to write special notes on them. Address the postcards, add a stamp, and spread some flowery fun to friends and family!

Sort & Recycle

Supplies: recyclables to sort, recycle bins or containers

Play this fun recycling game with your children. Gather an assortment of child-safe recyclables from around your own recycling. Clean them so they are easily handled. Set up the game by laying the recyclables in the center of the space. Place different containers around the open space and label them: plastic, paper, cardboard, newsprint, aluminum. Encourage your children to pick up a piece and place it in the appropriate labeled container. Once you have sorted them all, take a trip to the recycling facility closest to you to finish the project. You could easily turn this into a relay.

Bird Feeders

Supplies: recyclables, string, hole punch, sticks, peanut butter, bird seed

Spring is the perfect time to create bird feeders. You can create bird feeders out of pretty much anything. Smear some peanut butter on a stick and cover it in birdseed and voila! Variations on this can be made by poking holes in containers and filling them with seed and hanging them from tree limbs. You can even string cheerios or other oat cereal on to string or pipe cleaners! Make an assortment of feeders and hang in a group or around your yard for the birds to feast!