From dance parties to making our own instruments, the science of sound is on full-blast in our classrooms at Creative World! Does music have implications beyond an enjoyable experience? Is …
From dance parties to making our own instruments, the science of sound is on full-blast in our classrooms at Creative World! Does music have implications beyond an enjoyable experience? Is …
My Senses (Tune: If you’re Happy and You Know It) I can see, smell, hear, taste and touch, I can see, smell, hear, taste and touch, I can see, smell, …
Bumblebee Buzzing Tune: Are you Sleeping? The Bumblebee is buzzing. The Bumblebee is buzzing. In the flower bed, In the flower bed. He’s taking some nectar. He’s taking some nectar. …
The Waves Tune: Wheels on the Bus The waves at the beach go up and down The waves at the beach go up and down The waves at the beach …
This is the way we pound our nails Pound our nails, pound our nails, This is the way we pound our nails So early in the morning! Additional Verses: Saw …
If You’re Friendly and You Know It If you’re friendly and you know it, say “Hello” If you’re friendly and you know it, say “Hello” If you’re friendly and you …
I’m looking through the telescope and what do I see? I see the stars and the moon looking at me. The stars are twinkling and I feel small, but I …