This month at Creative World Schools, we are on the GO GO GO as we rev up, choo-choo, and glide through an investigation of transportation. This is an awesome inquiry …
This month at Creative World Schools, we are on the GO GO GO as we rev up, choo-choo, and glide through an investigation of transportation. This is an awesome inquiry …
This month, we are gearing up and revving our engines as we investigate all things that GO! Transportation is a great theme for young children. Children love the idea of …
All Creative World Schools are having a blast celebrating Away We Go this month. Check out some of the amazing ways our young learners are exploring:
We had a blast investigating all kinds of things that Go Go Go this month! Check out some of our amazing investigations… [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u63kfCZpEyc&w=560&h=315]
This is a great game for listening skills! Have your child stand at the far side of the room. Say, “Green Light Go!” for them to walk quickly towards you, …
As you are driving around town with your child, make a game out of all the trucks you see! How many red trucks can they count? How many dump trucks …
Yummy Fruit Trains To make a delicious train, break apart four sections of a graham cracker; then arrange the pieces to form a train engine or train cars. Spread peanut …
My Feet (Tune: One Two, Buckle My Shoe) One, Two, put my feet in my shoes Three, Four, I walk out the door Five, Six, my feet I can kick …
As the children are learning about maps this month, a fun and educational activity to do at home is making a map of your neighborhood. As you drive home, point …
The first bicycle, the Draisine, was invented in 1817. It had two wheels but no pedals, people walked it along. The first car had only three wheels. In 1930, 2 …
Pizza Rounds Provide your child with a half of an English muffin. Help them spread pizza sauce on a muffin. Then show them how to lay a few skinny strips …
Check out some of these books for your child to read while they are exploring transportation this month: Click Here for Library List What books would you add to our …
Our focus this month will take us on exciting journeys using various modes of transportation. The interest of each group will create the basis for our inquiry as we investigate, …