Winter Family Fun Ideas
Creative world school Dec 9, 2018Whether the weather is frightful or not, lots of family time means lots of fun!
Check out our Winter Family Fun board on Pinterest for these and other awesome ideas for some family time… for kids of all ages!
Make Marshmallow sculptures with marshmallows and toothpicks.
Want fire-free s’mores? Melt a large marshmallow on a graham cracker square and top with a chocolate candy.
Build a snowman… on each other! Use rolls of TP and paper to see who can make the most creative snowman.
Bows, bows everywhere! Your toddler will love a game of hide-and-seek, searching for bows you’ve hidden around the house.
Ready to brave the elements? Beautify them, too, with a mix of water and food coloring in squirt bottles for some snow painting.