
Happy First Day of VPK to our FL Schools!

Creative world school Aug 15, 2016

VPK is Florida’s tuition-free Preschool/PreK program. Schools – like ours! – receive subsidies that translate into a free Early Education experience for young children.

According to an independent study by the Education Commission of the States*, spending on publicly funded preschool increased to a total of $7 billion in 2015-16 (a 12% increase).


Translation? People are getting the message that an investment in Early Education pays off!

  • Funding preschool is a financially sound investment for our society.

Available benefit-cost estimates based on older, intensive interventions, such as the Perry Preschool Program, as well as contemporary, large-scale public preschool programs, such as the Chicago Child-Parent Centers and Tulsa’s preschool program, range from three to seven dollars saved for every dollar spent.**

  • Children who experience preschool enter grade school advanced up to a full academic year beyond their peers.

A recent analysis integrating evaluations of 84 preschool programs concluded that, on average, children gain about a third of a year of additional learning across language, reading, and math skills. At-scale preschool systems in Tulsa and Boston have produced larger gains of between a half and a full year of additional learning in reading and math.**

  • Children who begin their learning journey earlier are statistically poised for success… and play a positive role in society.

…evidence from long-term evaluations of both small-scale, intensive interventions and Head Start suggest that there are long-term effects on important societal outcomes such as high-school graduation, years of education completed, earnings, and reduced crime and teen pregnancy.**

Find the RIGHT program to set your child up for success!
