
Our Favorite Books for National Read a Book Day 2021

Creative world school Aug 26, 2021

It’s the perfect day to get lost in a book as today is National Read a Book Day! Here is a list of some of our favorite books of all time (listed in no particular order)!

  1. Good Night Moon
  2. No David
  3. Green Eggs and Ham`
  4. Llama Llama Time to Share
  5. Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons.
  6. You Are Important
  7. The Pokey Little Puppy
  8. ABC
  9. Don’t Let the Pidgeon Drive the Bus
  10. Giraffes Can’t Dance
  11. I Will Always Love You
  12. The Monster at the End of the Book
  13. Midnight Farm
  14. The Places You Will Go
  15. Oh the Places You Will Go
  16. Good Night Moon
  17. The CWS Recipe Book
  18. Where the Wild Things Are
  19. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  20. All Are Welcome
  21. I Stink
  22. If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
  23. Puff the Magic Dragon
  24. The Monster and the End of This Book
  25. There’s a Wocket in my Pocket
  26. A Bad Case of Stripes
  27. Brown Bear Brown bear What Do You See?
  28. Corduroy
  29. Curious George
  30. James and the Giant Peach
  31. The Seven Silly Eaters
  32. Where the Wild Things Are
  33. Where the Wild Things Roam
  34. Christina Katerina and the Box
  35. Flower Garden by Eve Bunting
  36. If I Could Keep You This Little
  37. Llama Llama No More Drama
  38. Milk Goes to School
  39. The Book: Press Here
  40. On the Night You Were Born
  41. The World Needs More Purple People
  42. Oh the Place You Will Go
  43. Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes!
  44. Cinderella
  45. The Runaway Pancake
  46. The Very Hungry Caterpillar
  47. Animal Alphabet
  48. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
  49. If You Gave a Mouse a Cookie
  50. Magic Treehouse
  51. The Halloweener
  52. The Pout Pout Fish
  53. The Book With No Pictures