Learning About People
Creative world school Feb 6, 2018This month, we are learning about people!
Who do we know? How are people related to one another? Where are people from? What do people do?
Each classroom has their own learning journey focused around their group interests. Their questions serve as a guide to investigate the people in our community.
The children are exploring friendships, our communities, new cultures, and more.
Here’s a sneak peek at some of our hands-on learning as we launch this inquiry in our PreK classes:
At Creative World School Avalon in Avalon Park (Orlando), FL, they are kicking off their inquiry with a Field Study Guest Speaker:
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Today right after a brief circle time, the Panda class had a special guest speaker. To assist the class with choosing which community helper to focus on, ICU nurse Ms. Browne spoke to us about what it is like in her line of work. The students loved it and also had the chance to hear one of our classmates heart beat and see his pupil dilate from a bright pen light, similar to the one nurse Bronwe uses when she checks her patients. Thanks ICU Nurse Bronwe! We truly appreciate your help and time!
Creative World School Plainfield in Plainfield, Illinois is launching into a multicultural study of people with an exciting group mural:
Culture makes us unique! Today we are developing our understanding of what culture is and how it impacts he way we live. Together we went through a plethora of magazines to find people that look similar and different than us. This lead to a group discussion that people all around the world have traits that are unique to their culture! Check out our mural on display in our room!
Creative World School Rivercrest is examining everything about culture from families and bridging the gap by reaching out to children in other countries as pen pals!
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Today we talked about how our families are different sizes, maybe from a different culture, and maybe bee from a different country. In small group we drew pictures of our families showing different diversity. The next day, we talked about pen pals and wrote a letter to a kid in a different country. We had a lot of fun learning that kids in other countries go to school, dress, and even play games like we do. We practiced our writing, fine motor skills, and letter knowledge by sounding out the words.
Check back to see our learning all month long!