We’ve been having a blast exploring All About Water and getting wet! Here are some of the ways we have investigated and enjoyed this month’s learning fun:
Most of our classes enjoyed at least one water day a week… full of sprinklers, slip’n’slides, and all kinds of wet and wild fun!

Our PreK Students went to splash pads, water parks, and other fun off-site water experiences!

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Science is a blast with water: what floats or sinks, oil and water separation, and other density, volume, and water-state experiments.

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Our youngest students experienced water through tactile fun in bins, buckets, and by making bubbles!

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We didn’t forget ice: popsicle painting was a big hit… so were regular popsicles!
Don’t miss our culminating Inquiry Showcase Event: the CWS Regatta! Our boats are ready to race!


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