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Parent’s Guide to Choosing the Best Preschool for their Child

Creative world school Mar 27, 2018


Why Is A High-Quality Preschool Important?

There are several items that will help you detect the level of quality a program offers.

1.  Health and Safety

o    Proper equipment that will reduce safety and health risks.

o    Monitoring of visitors to reduce risk or threats to children’s safety.

o    Clean environments to reduce illness and spread of germs.

2.  Learning Environment

  • Young children require a high level of supervision and guidance.
  • Children need to develop socially, emotionally, intellectually, & physically.

3.  Staff Training

  • Teachers, as well as management staff, know and understand child development and how best   to work with children.
  • Your child will receive care that is right for his/her age and skill level.
  • Children need to form a bond with their provider and feel safe and loved.

4.  Parent Policies

  • Parents should be welcomed and involved in their child’s program.
  • A good childcare involves parents and works with them to meet specific needs.

5.  Program Administration

  • Programs with licenses have passed standards for health and safety, ratios, and   equipment.
  • Programs that are accredited will have passed national standards for providing quality care.


Scheduling Your Visit

Visiting the preschool before you enroll your child is a crucial step. Here are some tips to make the most of that very important visit:

  • Have a phone conversation with a member of the management team to get basic information. A phone call can help you to decide if you want to visit the school. Note that you  may have to arrange a time to speak to the appropriate person because providers may be busy taking care of children.
  • Arrange for a visit and make sure to take a checklist with you.
  • Visit a program more than once, and at different times of the day, so you can get a sense of the flow of an average day.
  • When visiting a program, speak to the teachers who would care for your child. (If they are caring  for children at that time, keep your questions brief.)


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Excerpts from “Quality Child Care: Recognizing and Choosing the Best for Your Children”: Child Care Aware, a program of the National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (NACCRRA) www.childcareaware.org