Ooey Gooey: DIY Slime Recipes

Creative world school Aug 8, 2017

oOEYgOOEYThis month in our Exploratorium, students are investigating just how Ooey and Gooey this world can get! From Science to Art, Math, and Literacy, we are exploring slime and goo from all angles. Our Exploratorium teachers are becoming experts in making every kind of goo imaginable.

Looking for some tips for the latest & greatest, tried & true recipes to make your own Ooey Gooey fun? Read on for some of our faves!


Texture: thick, gooey, and pasty

Ingredients: 3 cups of corn starch, 8 cups of water, 1/2 cup of dish detergent, paint

Process: Mix the water and corn starch together over low heat in a saucepan until it becomes a milky liquid. Raise the heat to medium and stir constantly until the texture thickens. Add the dishwasher detergent and paint and let it cool before playing!


Texture: slimy, rubbery

Ingredients: 1 cup of clear glue, 1 cup of liquid starch, liquid watercolor

Process: Mix the glue and liquid starch until a ball forms. Add drops of liquid watercolor as desired.



Texture: thick, pliable, grainy

Ingredients: 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of salt, 3/4 cup of water

Process: Mix flour, salt, and water until a dough forms. You can dye this with food coloring or liquid watercolors. The salt dough will also harden once dry, so if you want to create thin shapes to paint later, go for it!


Texture: squishy, like jelly

Ingredients: 1/2 cup of clear glue, 1 cup of hair gel, 1/2 cup of Borax, 1/4 cup of water

Process: Heat 1/4 cup of water in the microwave for one minute and stir in the Borax. Let it cool and mix this with the glue and hair gel. Add coloring as desired.

Have a squishy squashy sensory play kind of day!