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Milestones and Traditions: Building Memories

Creative world school Aug 11, 2016

Back to School can be a fist-pumping AND teary-eyed time as we celebrate our children’s growth. It’s always exciting to look at how far our little ones (and not so little ones!) have come… and the new learning journeys they’re going into at the start of a fresh school year.



Pinterest has a million of them – your child holds a chalkboard or piece of paper labeled with their age, grade, likes/dislikes, dreams, and more! A cute way to capture the “going to school” moment each year.


Interviewing your young child as they enter preschool, prek, kindergarten, and so on will create an incredible memory to look back on… and they’ll love remembering, too! The key is to immediately store these treasures in the same folder so they don’t get lost in all of your other media.


Whether it’s a special family breakfast, packing a special lunch with notes, everyone going to school together for first day drop-off, a special hair clip or pair of socks, ice cream after school, finding a way to incorporate a shared experience can be very comforting for a child who’s embarking on something new!

Most importantly, what does YOUR child want and need to make them feel excited and eager the first day of back to school? Talk to them and find out!