Check out some of these books about plants for your child to read while they are exploring flowers and gardening this month: Flowers by Vijaya Khisty Bodachgetproductimage51zugp1ptllsplish splash spring51mxf2tq93lbf0933a67c69c5ca129b236ed87702d461zvqfvmq8lFlower Garden by Eve Buntingthe tiny seedTen Little Ladybugs by Melanie GerthWho’s in the Garden? By Phillis GershatorThe Dandelion Seed by Joseph Anthony9780689711220zinnia s flower garden 9780142407875jacks garden by henry coleseedcover9780064451963jacketStems by Vijaya Khisty Bodach978088106453751jrthb38jlthe vegetable alphabet book91 qhdvl1sl sl1500 207927520158254Green by Laura Purdie SalasMrs. Spitzer’s Garden by Edith Pattou9780723247708 p0 v2 s260x420511ha7iejjlyucky worms read and wonder