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Foster Creativity Through Box Exploration

Creative world school Nov 19, 2020

When we think of creativity, music, drama, and visual expressions that make up The Arts often come to mindBut creativity also involves skills like problem-solving, questioning, and enthusiasm for learning. Here are ways you can support creativity in your child by exploring everyday household objects, like boxes. 

Boxes offer opportunities for problem solving. 

Present a problem and ask your child to help you solve it, “I wonder what we can do with this box.” Model curiosity by posing some silly suggestions, “I wonder if it will fit on my head. Can I wear the box on my feet? Can I fit inside the box?” 

Children can practice explaining their thinking as they design their structure. 

Ask your child to explain why they want to transform the box this way. What do they want the result to be? How will this decision help them get closer to their goal? If they take the flaps off the side of the box will they need them later? This helps children practice long-term thinking while developing language skills. 

Include more open-ended materials. 

Add additional open-ended materials to enhance their cardboard creation. The recycling bin is a great resource for these creative materials. Water bottle tops make great buttons on a spaceship or dials on a car.  

Creative play is enhanced through time. 

These architectural marvels might take up space in your living room but providing your child with sufficient time to design and play with their new creations is truly a gift. Once your child loses interest, or the creation begins to fall apart, you can move it to the recycling binTaking a picture, presenting new boxes, or moving their structure outside or a few more days of play might help your child move on to new discoveries