Young children are eager to absorb information through each and every one of their senses! Fall is a wonderful time of year to transition the sights, sounds, and other stimuli that engage their learning on every level.
Here are some great, easy ways to use Fall Flavors and Fun in your sensory experiences!
Use liquid watercolors or food coloring and spices to make fragrant fall paint! For older children, what if you add the scent to clear water and let them choose what color they think that smell would be?Use your spice paint (above) or add scent to tempera paint (for richer color) and paint pinecones! What do pinecones feel like? Is there anything inside? What can you create with your painted pinecones?Collect fall leaves and then play a color matching game: look for items throughout your home that match the colors of the leaves! Use the leaves and/or found items to create a Fall Sensory Bin with various textures, shapes, and colors.Cranberries are a great exploration of hard and soft, squishy and firm, tart and sweet! Place cranberries in a shallow bin of water with a colander, baster, spoons, and more for a simple sensory activity. Extend your cranberry exploration by looking at what happens when you cook cranberries, add sugar, drink cranberry juice, or open a can of cranberry jelly!Love the pumpkin, hate the mess? Create a mess free exploration by filling a resealable bag with the pumpkin pulp and seeds!