We are enjoying learning all about cold in our December inquiry, Brrr… Cold! Our youngest students are exploring the kinds of animals that live in cold weather climates. Looking at …
We are enjoying learning all about cold in our December inquiry, Brrr… Cold! Our youngest students are exploring the kinds of animals that live in cold weather climates. Looking at …
This month as our In the Trees inquiry kicks off, we are celebrating all things arbor and Learning about Trees Want a sneek peak of what our unique curriculum is …
10 family game night ideas that can be played with toddlers! With so many family games to pick from we thought it would be a great idea to narrow some …
Family road trips can be tons of fun, however, sometimes we can run out of activities to entertain our kiddos during the long drive. (We can only sing our favorite …
This month at Creative World Schools, we are on the GO GO GO as we rev up, choo-choo, and glide through an investigation of transportation. This is an awesome inquiry …
This month, we are gearing up and revving our engines as we investigate all things that GO! Transportation is a great theme for young children. Children love the idea of …
Young children learn in unique and individual ways. That’s why the entire structure of our Creative World School curriculum centers around each developmental stage! Our teachers master techniques for facilitating …
Spontaneity is a joyful element of summer… “let’s go get ice cream!” “let’s go to the park at 6am!” And, for the most part, this is probably successful. The challenge …
Parenting a Terrible Two Year Old or Threenager sounds hilarious to those of us who aren’t doing it. We think it’s pretty wild that you could “live in constant fear …
What is Respect? • To feel or show differential regard for • To avoid violation of or interference with • The state of being regarded with honor or esteem • …
During the earliest years of life, the brain sets up for learning through the development of language. This foundation has been shown to be the bedrock of school learning and …
The materials you need in order to create a “literate home” at this stage are minimal, but the way that you use them with your child is important. Babies and …