Top 5 Advantages of Inquiry Curriculum
Children are interested! When you start with what they know and their questions, they are invested and excited to learn.
Quality over quantity. Instead of weekly themes, we offer a month-long exploration of a very broad topic. It is through their questions that children construct the kind of knowledge that prepares them for the future.
More than the basics. Young children need to be equipped with relevant skills. In addition to the basics, we focus on social-emotional growth, cognitive development, and logical processing as tools for lifelong learning.
Children can reach their potential. There is no limit to how much children can learn about a topic! Inquiry allows individualized curriculum.
The power of integration. Instead of separating knowledge into domains, we integrate learning into hands-on activities. This is how learning happens in real life! When we cook, we read the recipe, use math as we measure, science to mix ingredients and social skills to work together. Our teachers see learning potential through integration and are able to draw connections between domains for a well rounded education.
CWS Preschool Curriculum at a Glance
Children’s questions are the foundation for learning and the basis of our 3 E’s Foundations for Excellence™ curriculum. At Creative World, we view children as inquisitive young scientists, naturally curious about their world. We believe in opening new worlds of learning by exploring topics and encouraging questions that drive discovery.
Individualized Inquiry-Based Learning
Each month, our learning journey begins with understanding what children already know about a topic and the questions they want to explore. These questions guide our studies, allowing us to choose broad themes that each classroom can tailor based on the children’s interests. For example, a study of animals might focus on zoo animals in one class, while another class might explore how to care for pets at home. This individualization enables teachers to adapt the curriculum, making learning more engaging and relevant to their group.
Enriching Learning Beyond the Classroom
Our inquiry curriculum provides a rich and creative approach to exploring topics by offering various engagements that encourage children to ask questions and discover answers. Daily learning experiences are further enriched by a trip to our World of Wonder: the Exploratorium™. Here, our Preschool and Pre-K students engage in exciting activities that extend their learning beyond the classroom. This special time blends Inquiry Learning with Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM), giving children the freedom and tools to pursue their interests and make new discoveries about the world around them.
Our Preschool students get to visit the Exploratorium™ daily!

A Day in the Life of a Preschool Student
Creative World believes in a balanced day for your child. We create the perfect mix between quiet and active times, large and small group learning, child- initiated activities, and teacher-facilitated activities to create a day full of learning and fun!
Everyday we gather and share stories, talk about our day, and plan our learning journey. This allows us to get to know our friends, sing songs, and play learning games. We assign helpers, give a weather report, and look at our calendar.
We love a good book! Each day we set aside time to read together. Our read-alouds encourage emerging literacy as we read simple, repetitive stories with predictable text. We also learn about authors, illustrators and different types of stories.
Our focus is on nutrition, table manners, independence, and good eating habits. We enjoy intimate classroom dining in a familiar environment. Teachers and children eat together, sharing good food and conversation.
Our classroom learning extends to the outdoors with a variety of interactive enrichments. Outside time is scheduled twice a day in an age-appropriate play area, designed with the highest standards for your child.
We are learning all day, every day! Throughout the day, we provide a variety of small group learning times and independent play in learning centers to give your child a variety of fun educational opportunities.
Children who stay with us a full day have the opportunity to rest and recharge on assigned cots. We enjoy a calm atmosphere with soft lighting and a blanket from home. While some nap, others may enjoy a good book or a quiet activity.

Ongoing Assessment
This is an important year for Preschoolers as they embark on their journey toward Kindergarten Readiness. Our teachers track their progress and keep you informed of their latest accomplishments through daily communication on our CW App. This ensures you’re always up to date on your child’s development.
Personalized Learning Plans for Growth and Development
We believe that great teachers must have a deep understanding of child development and know each child’s strengths and interests. By observing your child during play and various interactions, we monitor their learning throughout the year. We also use a developmental checklist to ensure they are progressing in social-emotional, cognitive, and physical development. Each week, we integrate our 3 E’s™ curriculum with your child’s developmental goals to create an individualized learning plan tailored to their needs.
Showcasing Your Child’s Unique Learning Journey
Every child has a learning portfolio that captures their unique educational story through teacher notes, reflections, photos, and collections of their first drawings. We hold two portfolio showings each year to share your child’s progress, set goals, and discuss strategies to further enhance their educational journey. This approach ensures that their learning experience is continuously aligned with their developmental milestones.
Preschool Classroom Features
Creative Fun
As they explore art with color, texture, and shape, children develop hand-eye coordination, fine motor control, and creativity.
To promote language skills, a quiet and comfortable corner is set up to give children a peaceful reading environment.
Writing Table
Early experiences with writing make print accessible and give
children a firm foundation for later reading and writing development.
Math & More
This combined math/manipulative center provides opportunities for
children to practice number concepts and fine motor skills.
Science Discovery
Young scientists are at work in this center. We provide a variety of interactive experiments to introduce children to scientific discovery, analytical thinking, and problem solving.
Dramatic Play
Role-playing opportunities in this center promote interaction and social-emotional development. Children learn to cooperate, share, self-identify, and cultivate a positive self-image.
Blocks & Building
Through block play, children learn visual discrimination, motor control, problem solving, and logical thinking as they experiment with balance, design and other mathematical properties.
Music & Movement
A variety of instruments await the children in this center as they creatively make music, dance, and move to the beat. Music exposes Preschoolers to rhythm, patterns, and sound.
Enrolled families have access to the CW App for communication, reporting, photos, and more. The CW App is free to download from the App Store and Google Play.