MysteryBox_Box.pngWe were so excited to feature iSTEAM learning at our Make It Create It Spring Break! We sent Mystery Boxes to all of our schools with the same 5 items and challenged our Schoolers: What can you create? They blew our minds!

Two classes at CWS Estero competed, starting with the same items, and explored, invented, and carried out two totally unique and amazing inventions! Check it out!


Both teams were given the same 5 items in their mystery box:20160405_091048.jpg

*They were allowed to add up to 6 additional items!

The Brainstorm Phase:

Once they decided what to make, they took off on two totally different journeys!

The Building Phase:

The Bobcats dreamt up a “Swamp Scooter” and used additional materials to make a scooter that glides on coffee cans, has a sturdy handle, and is “powered” by color wire!

The Panthers thought WAY outside the box as they used two mini plastic pools, clay, pipe, and wire to create a “water park”, complete with functioning hang glider and rides!

The Showcase:

It’s amazing to witness the power of creation when our schoolers were given a few parts and pieces and allowed to let their imaginations run wild!

We can’t wait to dive into a whole Summer of fun explorations with this year’s CampTastic! Don’t miss out… check it out now!