Raising-Healthy-ChildrenWe posted last week about the method of Introducing New Foods to Your Preschoolers by Julie M. Martinez and Karla P. Shelnutt EDIS Dept UF, where variety is very important in the process. Here is the second way to successfully introduce new foods:

Provide a Pleasant Environment

A child’s eating environment may influence whether or not they will try new foods, so make mealtimes as pleasant and positive as you can. When eating dinner, turn off the TV so he/she is not distracted. Spend quality time talking with your child.

Offer new, healthy options and make sure he/she sees you eating these foods also. It may be necessary for you to evaluate the quality of your current diet and food choices in order to improve the health of your family. Serving new, healthy foods is not only great for your preschooler, but doing so will benefit the entire family!

Generally, children who are unwilling to try new foods have lower intakes of fruits and vegetables. But the good news is that repeated exposure to new foods often can lead to children trying them! Remember, it can take 10-15 times of offering a food before the child even tastes it. The important thing to remember is not to give up. Focus on introducing new, healthy foods to your preschooler, and then let him/her decide when to try them.