“New Year, New You”… time to enjoy being a parent!


A national parenting survey recently found that 60% of respondents cited “having more patience” as among their top 3 parenting goals. The other improvement goals included self-control and yelling less.*

We all know that our children are unpredictable, messy, and joyful adventures that tap into our deepest emotions and instincts.

In the interest of not setting unrealistic expectations or self-condemnation, we suggest sorting through your parenting with a positive spin. Here are some places to look at your parenting, from the Early Childhood Development experts at Creative World Schools, and consider some ways to engage more meaningfully with your young child this year


How much time a day do you spend face-to-face with your child? Not in the car, not side-by-side, but in direct and intentional communication? Being present as a parent will empower your child to freely share and feel loved and affirmed. Make a realistic action plan: can you find 5 or 10 more minutes of intentional face-time in a day?


Whether you’re a parent with an exhausting infant or a challenging two-year-old, the emotional investment you apply to daily parenting practices can be significant. Are you pacing yourself? Are you getting “your cup full” before being poured out for your children? Do you have time to re-charge and re-focus? There’s nothing selfish about “me” time if it makes you a more joyful and patient parent!


Do you have an idea for family trips, museum memberships, or day-trips to a park this year? Resources can include more than the finances for a trip: what kind of time and planning are involved in family time this year? Have you considered setting special time aside for “just us”: to re-connect and have adventures as a family?

Can we just say, as an active part of the lives of thousands of families in our Creative World Schools: you’re doing great. We see awesome, engaged, joyful parents everyday! And it’s a pleasure to partner with you in your young child’s growth and development.
