Check out some of these books for your child to read while they are exploring the world of water this month: 9780789478528 zoom 16100gamtsdl178760271244 kidstherainbowfishmarcuspfister6a010535a16a0d970c0162fbeef423970d 800widownlittlecloudpaddle to the seajacketthumball the water in the worldoshdcoversneakerstheseasidecat4837277seashells by the seashore97815964356367750909780064433068water and the weathergood night lake9780688152840a drop around the world 978188322072351qyha3x34l9780007284863worldwithoutfish576260978078681911941imnsiii5lbeach feet reiser lynn 9780688144005swim cover Do you have any other books you would add to our list??