Check out some of these books for your child to read while they are exploring what makes us special this month: 51 vizwtbpl sx350 bo1138138138 sh30 bo0100100100 pa75510 3288226 f2609780061119729my five senses miller margaret 9780689820090partseverybody has feelings or todos tenemos sentimient the moods of children as photographed by charles e avery9780316573955 p0 v1 s260x420015216269001i like myself210558024130jaejk2lThe Feelings Book by Todd Parr 97800644518339781581178814 p0 v1 s260x420Here are My Hands by Bill Martin 978068803823697800644513909780688038311 0 cover9780689863639 p0 v2 s260x420learning materials feelings to share from a to z mg 9781934277003 lthis is my body mayer gina 9780307960139wayweworkThe Magic School Bus: Inside the Human Body by Joanna Cole babybearbabybearwhatdoyousee What books would you add to our list?