Check out some of these books for your child to read while they are exploring food and the grocery store this month: a trip to the grocery store keogh josie 9781448874828baby food margaret miller book cover art978068813112861juzmhl4ulcookadoodledooThe Big Hungry Bear by Don Wood9780399234682 p0 v1 s260x420Blueberries for Sal by R. McCloskeyvegetables we eatGood Enough to Eat by Lizzy Rockwell9780395919088 p0 v2 s260x420The Carrot Seed by Ruth Kraussqz 022 1z61pp7h59zsl sx300 fps 121550 1z3eae6347f5daa23a1f495f2c81ae544ad76 lgcwmkgrhqiokjgewoinit98bmr ez2w 35tops and bottomsWhat’s in Grandma’s Grocery Bag? by Hu-Mei-Panfruit saraandersoni can eat a rainbow annabel karmel6a00d83452418769e2014e89fe356e970d 500wipicnic2lunchhey pancakes weston tamson 9780152165024il 340×270 497174394 ijp9Just Shopping with Mom by Mercer Mayertoday is mondaySupermarket! by Charlotte Doyleeating the alphabet9781606130186 p0 v1 s260x42051qtbat6y1l9780060245863bread comes to life levenson george 9781582461144Food ABC by Amanda Doering437912growing vege soupvegetables saraandersonpickin peas margaret read macdonald hardcover cover art9780439104319 p0 v1 s260x420Mr. Cookie Baker by Monica Wellington What books would you add to our list?