
There is a direct link between a child’s social-emotional development and their academic achievement. Research makes it clear that, while knowledge and skills are critical, a child’s long-term success is better projected by measuring their social skills. As children grow intellectually in a group environment, educational benchmarks are accompanied by emotional growth. In other words, working with a lab partner is just as important as the science experiment!


At Creative World School, we encourage children to make decisions and play an active role in their classroom community. Recognizing and interpreting feelings is paramount to budding friendships. Open-ended play allows children to practice their emerging social skills. Children need collaborative opportunities to discern the impact their actions have on other people. Our teachers encourage relationship-building by helping children with the daily challenges of learning how to take turns, share, resolve conflict, and care for friends. Sometimes “heart work” can be hard work!


Here’s how YOU can integrate nutrition & healthy routines into your family’s core foundation:

  • Host a family meal with parents and siblings.
  • Introduce your child to new foods often; it can take up to 15 tries before a child attempts a new food.
  • Provide child-sized dishes and serving ware.
  • Let your child select and serve their own food portions.
  • Ask questions and talk about the food you are eating.